My Initial Reaction to the Supreme Court’s Ruling Imposing Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage Nationwide

I am very glad I am a heterosexual; that I was born male and am romantically and sexually attracted to women. This is natural. This is healthy. This is the way it should be. It would have been very harmful to me if I had detoured into homosexuality at any point in my life and would have been particularly bad if I had embraced homosexuality as my identity rather than a shameful dysfunctional disorder to struggle to escape from in order to become normal and healthy and heterosexual again.

During my time growing up; born in the early 1970s and going to high school in the late 1980s; I was definitely harmed by the feminist attack against my masculinity and my purpose as a man but at least I was protected and shielded from homosexuality during Middle School (7th and 8th grade) and High School (9th grade to 12th grade). Homosexuality as normal and legitimate was never taught to me in the classroom and it was almost unheard of among my fellow students (one person during Middle School confided in me that she worried she might be lesbian while no one in High School was gay). Definitely homosexuality was stigmatized and thought of as weird and sick, no one among my fellow students ever communicated that homosexuality was normal or acceptable and the teachers never brought up the subject at all except during 9th grade when I was told that AIDS, a new terrifying sexually transmitted disease, mostly afflicted homosexual men in big cities like San Francisco.

Due to the feminist attack against me as a man, in particular against my masculinity and my purpose as a man, it is true that I had some problems related to gender identity in my early 20s. In particular I saw myself as a kind of feminine sensitive man interested in mostly female occupations as a way of expressing my “sensitive side” as a man. I was part of a kind of New Age subculture in the early 90s and in this environment as a young adult I did run across actual homosexuals and the feeling that maybe homosexuality was OK and acceptable was kind of “in the air” but still only rarely explicitly stated or advocated for.

My gender bending “sensitive male” identity didn’t do me any good with the ladies and I started to get disgusted with my aimless wandering and so I shifted course looking for purpose and identity and ambition in a way that would connect me with women. In particular I wanted to connect emotionally with the woman I loved the most in High School; to become someone that she would be proud of and to make myself into a man that would be of value to her. This then led to my conversion to patriarchy and dedicating myself to traditional masculinity and my duty to provide for and protect women; this conversion to patriarchy happening in my mid-twenties.

I am very very glad that I always stayed on the heterosexual side of things even during my period of vulnerability in my early 20s. There never was a time when I thought of homosexuality as being “normal” or when I thought that homosexuality should be “accepted” by the wider society. I always felt that it was a good thing that homosexuality was on the fringes and not seen as “normal” even in the New Age hippie like environment I wandered into after High School in my early 20s. I felt like I should be nice and polite and “accepting” of the homosexuals in my environment but I never thought that homosexuality should be elevated to “normal” status and truthfully no social pressure was placed on me to think of homosexuals as being “equal” to heterosexuals.

Looking back on things society didn’t protect me from feminism obviously but society did effectively protect me from homosexuality or homosexual influence or homosexual normalization at least until I graduated from High School and I am grateful for that. I was “safe” from homosexual advocacy and propaganda or any social approval or acceptance of homosexuality or the idea that homosexuality was “available to me” as an option.

What bothers me the most at the gut or visceral level about the Supreme Court decision just handed down mandating so called “gay marriage” nationwide is that it now means that “homosexual equality” is a kind of official government policy and that it is now implicitly “unacceptable” to view homosexuality as being inferior to or “less than” heterosexuality. The law has a kind of implied moral authority or moral legitimacy so that if the Supreme Court says that homosexuality is OK and normal and acceptable then that kind of makes it officially so. What this means is that at the broad cultural level there is no more protection from homosexuality anymore. That I would be left to fend for myself to keep a healthy and functional heterosexual identity intact; my heterosexuality itself would be no longer assumed or taken for granted.

In general I have been quite optimistic regarding what the future of America will be regarding cultural issues. This Supreme Court decision has been expected for awhile, but it is interesting now that it is actually here, that it is official now that “homosexual marriage” is “constitutionally protected” and the “law of the land” in all 50 states. My inclination is to continue to be optimistic regarding the overall picture of American culture going forward. This is because the broad swath of social indicators is pointing towards a return to patriarchy and a return to traditional values. Social indicators are the most powerful force of all I think; more powerful than the Supreme Court. I doubt very seriously that “gay marriage” will turn the social indicators in a negative direction. The rebellion against family breakdown is already rolling in terms of people’s actual behaviors.

I do however think there is a bifurcation going on; that the bad part of American culture is getting worse while the good part of American culture is getting better. The real danger is that the ruling in favor of “marriage equality” will lead to a kind of anti-Christian anti-social conservative tyranny. Already there is some tyranny going on; bakers and florists and such being forced to serve homosexual couples for the “weddings” the homosexual couples plan. Business owners refusing to participate in these kinds of “gay marriage” celebrations have received heavy fines effectively forcing them to either serve gay customers or go out of business. There are Christian educational institutions and such worried that they may lose their tax exempt status or face lawsuits based on their “discrimination” against gays.

To claim that homosexuals are morally equivalent to heterosexuals is a very very radical thing and many religious organizations are worried that an equivalency between racial discrimination and anti-homosexual discrimination is going to be placed into the law so that current anti-discrimination rules and policies protecting blacks from discrimination will be applied to how homosexuals should be treated; this potentially criminalizing important religious practices and policies currently in place at many Christian institutions.

Nationwide Supreme Court mandated “gay marriage” is certainly a bad thing for a number of different reasons but it shouldn’t derail the cultural revival and the Christian revival already underway. Certainly Supreme Court imposed “gay marriage” will help recruitment efforts for the more conservative forms of Christianity. The real question in my mind is how the forces of feminist / homosexual advancement will react to the growing backlash against the societal destruction that feminism and homosexualism has created. How will the feminists and homosexualists respond when they start losing support and losing political power? That is the truly interesting question in my mind.

About Jesse Powell TFA

Anti-Feminist, MRA, Pro-Traditional Women's Rights Traditional Family Activist (TFA)
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2 Responses to My Initial Reaction to the Supreme Court’s Ruling Imposing Homosexual Pseudo-Marriage Nationwide

  1. ToTripoli says:

    What bothers me the most at the gut or visceral level about the Supreme Court decision just handed down mandating so called “mixed marriage” nationwide is that it now means that “racial equality” is a kind of official government policy and that it is now implicitly “unacceptable” to view blackness as being inferior to or “less than” whiteness. The law has a kind of implied moral authority or moral legitimacy so that if the Supreme Court says that negroes are OK and normal and acceptable then that kind of makes it officially so. What this means is that at the broad cultural level there is no more protection from miscegenation anymore. That I would be left to fend for myself to keep a healthy and functional white identity intact; my whiteness itself would be no longer assumed or taken for granted.

    In general I have been quite optimistic regarding what the future of America will be regarding cultural issues. This Supreme Court decision has been expected for awhile, but it is interesting now that it is actually here, that it is official now that “mixed marriage” is “constitutionally protected” and the “law of the land” in all 50 states. My inclination is to continue to be optimistic regarding the overall picture of American culture going forward. This is because the broad swath of social indicators is pointing towards a return to paternalism and a return to traditional values. Social indicators are the most powerful force of all I think; more powerful than the Supreme Court. I doubt very seriously that “mixed marriage” will turn the social indicators in a negative direction. The rebellion against family breakdown is already rolling in terms of people’s actual behaviors.

    I do however think there is a bifurcation going on; that the bad part of American culture is getting worse while the good part of American culture is getting better. The real danger is that the ruling in favor of “racial equality” will lead to a kind of anti-Christian anti-social conservative tyranny. Already there is some tyranny going on; bakers and florists and such being forced to serve mixed couples for the “weddings” the mixed couples plan. Business owners refusing to participate in these kinds of “miscegenation” celebrations have received heavy fines effectively forcing them to either serve negro customers or go out of business. There are Christian educational institutions and such worried that they may lose their tax exempt status or face lawsuits based on their “discrimination” against negroes.

    -same argument, circa 1964

  2. Pingback: The ‘Big Lie’ that Homosexuality is Morally Equivalent to Race | Secular Patriarchy

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